Fun Fact Friday: Did you know that your muscles cannot turn to fat when you stop exercising regularly?

It’s true- they can’t.

Why, you ask?!  Because muscle and fat are two separate and distinct tissues.  There is no physical capability to change from one to the other.

No way Jose!

With muscles, you either “use it, or lose it!”  When you’re not using muscle, it will literally just waste away.  When that happens, it’s called atrophy.

Here’s a good example for you:
Think about someone who wears a cast on a broken leg/ arm.  When the cast has been removed, the leg or arm that’s been unused will be smaller than they were before.  If it was true that muscle turned to fat from not being used, you’d see  a fatter leg or arm after removing the cast- that isn’t the case, though.

With that being said, don’t let those muscles waste away!

It’s Friday and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Is Losing Weight Extremely Difficult?

Let’s set this straight.

Losing the weight (for most) is pretty easy.  Once you get going, you’re golden.
The most difficult part about this process- the weight off.

Studies show that 75%-90% of dieters who lose weight will actually regain the weight they dropped within 1-3 years of fully “completing” the diet.  Faster is not better.

Exercising regularly and maintaining healthy eating is a great way to keep the weight you worked so hard to lose, off of your body.  Once you reach the weight you desire, or the “look” you desire, doesn’t mean that you should go right back to old ways. Treat yourself once a weak to a cheat meal (because it is okay every so often to let loose) then for the remainder of the week, keep to your schedule of eating healthy & working out.

I do understand it’s extremely frustrating to have to wait to get to your goal weight; however, the work that you put into your body and your health will show.  Give it the time to do so!  While your body is changing, so are your systems!  It does take time and some don’t have that patience, but how about you make that something to improve in your life as well?

I’ll repeat this again… because it’s so true:

YOU’LL GAIN THE WEIGHT BACK AS FAST AS YOU LOST IT.  Don’t look toward the “faster” route for weight loss- It. Takes. Time.