Happy Spring! 


Good morning, everyone! Happy 1st Day of Spring!! It’s raining here in Virginia… And some of you are experiencing snow…. How weird. Hopefully, spring will step up the game and swing into full force here soon!! 

I just wanted to drop in and write something to let you all know I’m still here.  I apologize for slacking, but things have been extremely hectic lately. 

First, we were preparing to move and working on getting everything that we had with our old house closed, so that way when we got to Virginia, we would just have to unpack. 

Secondly, we got a new puppy! Her name is Tallulah.  We rescued her and she was 8 weeks old when we adopted… In the state of North Carolina, you must get your dog spayed/ neutered before you’re able to take the animal home.  (Wish this wasn’t the case, but it was). Tallulah’s vet ran into a problem when he went to find the right ovary, and he ripped her kidney and she almost didn’t make it. Thankfully, she did. The doctor felt completely horrible. It was quite the job to make sure she didn’t go too wild with staples in her stomach… That’s been taking up most of my time. Yesterday, she did get her staples removed and she’s doing so great! Growing good and being the spunky, happy little pup!  

Third, between moving and our new pup… I’ve been trying to really get in study time. I’m about a week and a half behind and that’s driving me insane. So, my main focus now that we are unpacked for the most part and her staples are out is to catch up! 

Finally, I haven’t had time to get to the gym, either. With the move, we didn’t want to keep going grocery shopping and have our produce go bad and I’ve been eating more junk than healthy foods. I’ve definitely put on some weight and this week coming up, I’m planning to get my butt back in gear. Just goes to show you that I fall out of line sometimes, too! It happens. Life happens. the past 2 weeks, my puppy was my main concern and that’s okay. Just means I have to work hard and get back where I was before! 

I’m going to try to designate a day of each week that I’ll post something… (Most likely, it’ll be either Sunday or Monday). 

Thanks for understanding! I’ll be back on track in no time!  TGIF & have a wonderful weekend!! Hope it warms up! 

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