Find Your Music

I don’t know about you…. but in order for me to have a really awesome workout; I need good music.
It’s pretty much a crucial factor in my gym routine. If my headphones are left somewhere other than my gym bag, I will tear up and panic- maybe even make a turn around and drive back home to get them…
Honestly, it depends on what mood I’m feeling and what parts of my body I’m working out that day. It also depends if I’m doing cardio or lifting.
MOST of the time(aka.99% of the time), I set up my Pandora station to the following stations:

1. Smile Empty Soul Radio: 90% of the time this is what I end up listening to. Some of the songs just are depressing, but when they’re good… I feel like I just have this almighty power and makes me feel like a bad ass while I’m lifting weights. Not to mention, some of the songs have very inspirational words in them and they speak to me, for real.

2. Backstreet Boys Radio: Well, they’re better than N’SYNC but some of N’SYNC’s music does play and it’s the good songs.. You can’t go wrong with some BSB, baby! The 90’s were my time!! The way a throwback puts me in a great mood is amazing. Sometimes when I’m working out and BSB or 98 Degrees comes on and I remember the crushes I had on these men…I pretend I’m working out for them– HAHA!
I was team BSB, anyway…

3. 80’s Aerobic Music: Come on. Richard Simmons alone makes me want to get up and dance around. The 80’s music is so great! This is on point. Sometimes I find myself singing way too loud. But, this is a great change sometimes. It’s a different swing of music and if I’m doing something where I just want a spunky feeling, this is my resort.

4. Miley Cyrus Radio: She’s got the “twerk”, bass bumping music on her station and it’s amazing sometimes. Some days I just feel like getting my twerk on….I usually listen to this on leg day; works wonders to power my squats. LOL!

5. Pitbull Radio: You should know this reason….Because latino’s sure know how to get your hiney moving!!! They get down with the get down and I love that feeling!!! This is one of my favorite stations when I need a pick me up, or even on my way to the gym while I drink my pre-workout and get my head in the game to have a great workout. It gets me feeling good, and sexy and confident. No better feeling when you’re working out!
Find your stations to get you feeling amazing. Once you have them down, you’re golden. If motivation is something that you’re finding hard to maintain, use the power of the music.
In the morning, have some music wake you up…something you LOVE, no classical stuff that’ll put you right back to sleep. While you’re starting your day and waking up, jam out a little bit or at least just play the music. Eventually, you’ll be singing and dancing and wide awake. It happens much quicker than you expect, and then you’re feeling gooooooooooooood!!

When you find your music, you will find that motivation!
Don’t hold back!!

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